5 Ways to Improve Your Brand’s Social Media Presence in 2018

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It’s no secret that social media can be a great tool for your business. Help your brand in the new year with these tips:

1. Know your networks. Do you know the differences between the various social channels? Customize your content to best align with the particular channels you’re using. But it’s also important to know which channels your audience uses — don’t feel obligated to have a presence on every network that exists. According to Sprout Social, Millennials and Gen Xers are twice as likely than Baby Boomers to follow brands on social media.

2. Interact with your audience. Let your followers know there’s a person behind your accounts and that you’re listening to them. Respond to their comments and posts and engage with them. One survey found that 84% of consumers expect companies to respond to them within 24 hours of posting on social media.

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3. Leverage visuals. Take a candid look at how engaging your posts are. Do you actively use images in your posts? According to Hubspot, Facebook posts with images saw 2.3 times more engagement than those without, and tweets with images received 150% more retweets than those without.

4. Embrace video. Have you started incorporating video into your social media strategy? If not, it’s time to start. According to GlobalWebIndex, 56% of internet users watched videos on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, and Buzzsumo found that video had the greatest engagement of any format on Facebook. The key is to keep it short (60-90 seconds) but go longer (~15 minutes) if you use Facebook Live.

5. Invest in ads. Creating promotional posts and ads for social media is a great way to target your audience and increase your reach. Facebook and Twitter provide the best ROI when it comes to digital marketing. Test your current posts to see which types perform better; the top-performers can help guide you to which content to put money behind.

Want help improving or managing the social media accounts for your small business? I can help! Contact me today to learn more.
