Read examples of my written work:

How-To: Go Camping (Wells Fargo Advisors Lifescapes)

5 Not-to-Miss Winter Festivals (Wells Fargo Conversations)

Tips for Having ‘The Money Talk’ (Wells Fargo Why I Work)

Why You Should Be Volunteering (Wells Fargo Why I Work)

Are Your Social Media Accounts Career-Ready? (Wells Fargo Why I Work)

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early? (Wells Fargo Home Mortgage)

Department Manager Umpires Little League World Series (Walmart World; uncredited)

Associates Raise More Than $24,000 (Walmart World; uncredited)

Welcome to the Queen City (Charlotte NC 2017 Visitors Guide, page 5)

4 International Cultural Experiences in the U.S. (Wells Fargo Advisors Lifescapes)


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